
Read and write CSV files and parse protein structures

Author: Adriaan Lategan


custom_format(message, category, filename, ...)

Overwrite the format of Warnings


CsvWriter(path_string, fields)

Object for writing values to defined fields in a csv file

PdbFileQuery(protein_id, file_path, chain_ids)

Object representing a specific proteins structure file and the amino protein chain entities that should be parsed from it


List with unique protein structure file query entries

PdbQueryCsv(chain_list[, has_header])

Object for parsing csv files listing protein entity IDs, paths to protein structure files, and protein chain IDs

PdbReader(pdb_directory[, pdb_type, gzipped])

Object for parsing protein structures in pdb or cif format from a specific directory

PolypeptideEntry(pdb_id, model, chain, ...)

Object representing a contiguous polymer of amino acids, with methods to extract amino acid sequences from it